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Custom engineered trommel drum screener

A few months ago we had the opportunity to team up with Sparta Manufacturing from Notre-Dame, New Brunswick on a design & fabrication project. We did the custom mechanical engineering design of a trommel drum screener and Sparta did the fabrication and assembly. The purpose of a trommel drum screener is to sort product of various sizes. The product to be sorted is dumped into one end of the drum which has a mesh surface. As the inclined drum rotates, the product inside tumbles (like a clothes dryer) and the smaller product fall out of the openings in the mesh, onto a conveyor below the drum. The bigger product makes its way to the other end where it too will be dumped onto another conveyor. 

Sparta manufacturing was great to deal with on this project, keep them in mind for any C&D recycling equipment. 

For more project picture click here.